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March 10, 2025
Agribusiness Featured

Cotton: Togo launches new commercialization campaign

 Togo launched the 2022-2023 cotton commercialization campaign last Friday, December 9. During this campaign, launched in Korbongou (Savanes region), the country should sell 52,000 t of cotton. The forecast was made by the Nouvelle Société Cotonière du Togo (NSCT).

A kilogram of cotton will be sold for CFA300, as the sector’s actors decided last April. For its part, the NSCT said it will “mobilize the necessary logistics to ensure efficient collecting and rapid payment of cotton farmers.”

1 cfa

Regarding distribution, most of the cotton which will be sold during the recently-started campaign was produced in the 2021-2022 season – a little over 50,000 t.

It should be emphasized that despite having been taken over by Singapore’s Olam, Togo’s cotton industry still struggles. According to the ministry of agriculture, the country produced 50,463 t of cotton in 2021-2022. This was far behind the expected output, 130,000 t, and even lower than the 66,000 t produced the year before.

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