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March 13, 2025
Agribusiness Featured

Five Agricultural businesses you can do in 2024

It would be gratifying to see more youth venture into agriculture. Nigeria is a country blessed with many natural resources that need to be utilized. We have farmlands; favourable environment that aids cultivation and productivity of farm produce. To leverage on our climate advantage here are agricultural businesses anyone can start with small capital in Nigeria in 2024.

Poultry Business

Poultry business is quite common and  very relevant despite the economic downturn going on in Nigeria. Poultry business is quite lucrative; always in high demand because the end product is very essential in our diet. Before you go into this business you need to know the basic training needed. You must also understand that it is also a delicate business because it’s involves living things; if fowls are not handled with care, they die easily. Enroll yourself for a course that could be online or physical to be clarified. Poultry business entails fowls like chicken, goose, turkey and ducks. You can start with one (as you prefer); well, chicken would be a good start for you.


This is a farm produce we consume very well in Nigeria. Anything that has to do with food cannot die out because we need it to sustain ourselves; keep the body functioning. Cassava  is in fact one of the most profitable business farming currently in Nigeria. To start a cassava business you will need  a farmland for your cassava plantation. If you don’t have a land you can rent; the land must have fertile soil. You will need equipment such as cutlasses, hoes and weeders.


Catfish business is no longer a new thing; it is predominantly everywhere but you can still create a niche for yourself; it depends on how you offer your service. You will need a small space or land to get started. It could be a fish pond that would be concrete or plastic. You must also have access to clean water because this is the natural habitat for fish.


Snail farming is lucrative but also needs to be explored more. It’s a business that can fetch reasonable income within a short period of time. You need to set up a house for your snail to graze freely. The house must be spacious enough to avoid overcrowding if not the development of the snail would be impeded. You’ll need to buy fresh snails that are healthy to get started.


Maize is a farm crop familiar to everyone. It aids many food production. Maize business thrives very well in Nigeria. It is best planted as soon as the rainy season starts. Early sowing would influence the yield of the crop. You must also be consistent with “weed” control because they compete for sunlight, water and nutrients with crops. Land with trees, clayey soil and ant hills should be avoided.

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